Sunday, January 18, 2009

Music Rites and ceremony

While looking into the Native American church peyote ritual and music I came across this amazing scene from a rather unconventional western film titled "Renegade". It was released straight to DVD in 2004 so I had never herd of it before but I found it compelling enough to go out and rent it. The scene below depicts a vivid peyote hallucination by the main character U.S Marshal Mike S. Blueberry who is trying to come to terms with the death of his first love. Based on the detail of the images I imagine the film maker did some experimenting of his own.

So, if you managed to watch the whole thing you get the notion that this type of ritual is completely alien to us. Just imagine the power this kind of vision would have on someone living in a tribal society generations before the arrival of the modern world. I think these people would believe deeply in magical properties alive in the real world .

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